
What is Shareholder Value? – Uses and More

What is Shareholder Value?

Shareholder value is the value delivered to owners of corporate stock due to management’s ability to increase sales, earnings, and free cash flow. Leading to higher dividends and capital gains for shareholders.

Mergers often result in a substantial increase in shareholder value. A company’s shareholder value depends on the strategic decisions made by its board and senior management, including the ability to make prudent investments and generate a healthy return on invested capital. If this value is created, especially over the long term, the share price increases and the company can pay higher cash dividends.

Shareholder value can be a significant issue for corporations because the creation of it wealth does not always reasonably translate into value for the corporation’s employees or customers.

key takeaways

  • The value place on a company’s shareholders based on the company’s ability to maintain and grow earnings over time.
  • Increased shareholder value increases the total shareholder equity on the balance sheet.
  • Maximum is a practical myth about increasing it: there is no legal obligation to maximize corporate earnings management.

Understanding Shareholder Value

Increased shareholder value increases the total shareholder equity on the balance sheet. The balance sheet formula is: assets, minus liabilities, stockholders’ equity, and stockholders’ equity comprises retained earnings, or the sum of a company’s net income, fewer cash dividends since its inception.

How the Use of Assets Generates Value

Companies raise capital to purchase assets and use those assets to generate sales or to invest in new projects with a positive expected return. A well-managed business maximizes the use of its assets so that the company can operate with less investment in assets.

Valuable companies can increase profits with the same dollar amount of assets. Suppose, for example, that a plumbing company uses trucks and equipment to do residential work. And the total cost of these assets is $50,000. The more sales the plumbing company can generate by using the truck and equipment. The greater the shareholder value the company creates.

Events in Which the Cash Flow Increases the Value

Generating enough cash inflows to run the company is an essential indicator of shareholder value. Generating enough cash inflows to run the business is a crucial indicator of shareholder value. The business can operate and also, increase sales without borrowing money or issuing more shares. Companies can improve cash flow by quickly converting inventory and accounts receivable to cash collections.

The turnover rate measures the collection rate, and also, companies try to increase sales without carrying more inventory or increasing the average dollar amount receivable. A high list and receivables turnover rate increase it.

Consider Earnings Per Share

Company earnings per share (EPS) is defined as earnings available to co-shareholders divide by common stock, and the ratio of a company’s shareholder value is a key indicator. When a company can increase earnings, the ratio increases and investors consider the company more valuable. If management makes decisions that increase net income each year, the company can pay a higher cash dividend or retain the earnings for use in the business.

The Myth of Maximizing Shareholder Value?

It is widely understood that corporate directors and management have a duty to maximize shareholder value, especially for publicly traded companies. However, legal rulings suggest that this common wisdom is, in fact, a practical myth. There is no legal obligation to manage profits in corporate governance.

The idea goes back largely to the overwhelming effects of an outdated and widely understood. Individual decision by the Michigan Supreme Court’s 1919 decision in Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. , which relates to a controlling majority shareholder’s legal duty to a minority shareholder not it maximization. This myth was elaborate by legal scholars and organizations such as Lynn Stout and Jean-Philippe Robé.


It is the return that shareholders expect to obtain to feel sufficiently remunerated. The required return on shares depends on the interest rates. On long-term government bonds and also, the perceived risk of the company’s ability to generate money in the future.

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Technology Burner

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Technology Burner

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